Search the NMBVM Database

DVM - Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
LM - Licensee Manager or Responsible Veterinarian
VMD - Veterinary Medical Doctor
MVZ - Medico Veterinario Zootecnista
MV - Medica Veterinaria
BVMS - Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
BVS - Bachelor of Veterinary Science
MVB - Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
VD - Medico Veterinario

RVT - Registered Veterinary Technician
AI - Bovine Artificial Insemination Technician
PD - Bovine Pregnancy Diagnosis Technician
EUI - Euthanasia Instructor
EUT - Euthanasia Technician
SHL - Animal Shelter

AC - Active; current
EX - Expired; 1 mo. late
LP - Lapsed; 2 mos. late
NR - Not Renewed; 3 mos. late
AR - Archived; license no longer valid
SP - Suspended
TP - Temporary
RK - Revoked
DC - Deceased
IA - Inactive
DISC. – Call office for details at (505) 553-7021
DOI - Date of Issue
DOE - Date of Expiration
NOF - Not On File



Database is updated daily at 3:00 p.m., for most current information contact Board office.

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